JogAlong Update September 2019

JogAlong Update September 2019

Image by Mike Dresher

My friend Mia and the JogAlong made a race appearance in Dallas this past July at the Too Hot to Handle 5k at Norbuck Park. It was a crowded but fun race. Mia is our most experienced co-pilot and she’s honed her race tactics through the numerous events she’s been part of. She has some “encouraging” phrases that pop out while we are running. “We can go faster” makes me laugh because it comes out as a half question/half command. Another is, “There are still people behind us.” I believe this stems from her concern that other racers will pass us if her co-pilot doesn’t keep pushing it. For the record, despite my continued efforts and her disappointment, passing does occur!

There might be a race or two left in this older prototype; it has held up for years and still functionally going strong. But soon we will make the transition to a newer prototype so we can show the fresh look.

Our position is interesting: we need to raise a significant amount of capital to pay for production tooling and to navigate the certification process, but we are not a tech type business in the eyes of the early stage investment world. However, our plans extend beyond being a lifestyle business. So on the surface, we are in a grey area around fundraising. We do however, have a secret weapon so to speak: you!  JogAlong is not without technology; ours is built into the product which generates the Natural Arm Motion you can see in the videos. We are very grateful for your recognition, support, and sharing the idea.

Thank you again for your continued support.

By Mike Dresher

Mike Dresher is a mechanical design engineer who enjoys running and biking. He is the founder of JogAlong Stroller.